At 04:10 PM 3/28/2003, Rene Rivera wrote:
>[2003-03-28] Alisdair Meredith wrote:
>>For boost 1_29 the Linux regression logs were preserved. For boost 1_30
>>we have the logs for many more platforms. However, this means that
>>almost half the logs on the testing page are never going to be updated
>>and just sit there growing 'older'.
>>Is it possible to create separate pages for regression against stable
>>releases, and current regressions against the cvs.
>With some minor changes to the script, yes it's possible. And I think it
>would also be possible to do it while still keeping the log results in the
>same directory. I could make it so that the page takes an "argument"
>it which version to display logs for. For example the URL for 1.30 might
>Current would be the default, no arguments URLS. And if you wanted all of
>them (the current behaviour) using ".../regression-logs/ALL".
>Beman, thoughts?

I think Alisdair's raised some good points. While I'm not sure regression testers will want to put a lot of effort into back tests, I think it would be good if from here on out we segregated current from past tests.

So I'd say give it a bit more thought and see what you can come up with. It will probably be easier to leave everything in one directory, but have the script display each release separately. Maybe default to current state, but with an option to look at past tests.

Keep in mind the number of test platforms is likely to increase as time goes on. That also argues for better separation between releases and the current CVS state.



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