At 10:01 AM 6/2/2003, David Abrahams wrote:

>I just checked in changes to the intel-win32-tools.jam file which
>enable argument-dependent lookup for all versions, since we were were
>incorrectly operating as though it was enabled for v7.1 anyway. I
>think we are still out-of-synch with the config, though. The config
>for the intel compiler contains:
># if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1300) // added check for <= VC 7
>(Peter Dimov)
> // Intel C++ 5.0.1 uses EDG 2.45, but fails to activate Koenig lookup
> // in the frontend even in "strict" mode, unless you use
> // -Qoption,cpp,--arg_dep_lookup. (reported by Kirk Klobe & Thomas

> // Similarly, -Qoption,cpp,--new_for_init enables new-style "for"
> // variable scoping. (reported by Thomas Witt)
> // Intel C++ 6.0 (currently in Beta test) doesn't have any front-end
> // changes at all. (reported by Kirk Klobe)
> // That can't be right, since it supports template template
> // arguments (reported by Dave Abrahams)
># endif
># endif
>I have two questions about this:
>1. Is there a reason we're checking _MSC_VER here?
>2. Can we just eliminate the #define for

I came to the same conclusion before reading this post and have already committed the change. Also changed the comment to better describe the situation as regards BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP

>I ran the config tests for intel 5,6,7 and got the following
>interesting results, but I am at a loss to interpret them.  Do the
>link errors with Intel7 mean that we failed to get the whchar_t
>support settings right?

I just did an intel-win32 clean and then limits_test. It compiled, linked, and ran without error.

>What does it mean that intel5,6 still report
>BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP?  I don't know what to do with
>this information.

Because # define BOOST_NO_ARGUMENT_DEPENDENT_LOOKUP is (or was, until I removed it) hardwired into intel.hpp when used with msvc?

Be careful about making changes at this point. AFAICS, the intel-win32-tools.jam and intel.hpp stuff is working far better than it ever has.


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