
I am using boost 1_30_0 (NOT current cvs snapshot) and Visual Studio.NET
2003. There is a strange problem with lexical_cast in the following
scenario (rough aproximation of my code, all in one header):
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ConcreteType& v);

namespace foo
    namespace bar
        template <class T> class Formatter
            std::string getFormattedValue(const T&)
                return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(T);

When I try to use
Formatter<ConcreteType>::getFormattedValue(objOfConcreteType), the
lexical_cast fails with compiler claiming that there is no operator<<
that accepts const ConcreteType (or no acceptable conversion).

Now, even more funny is that if I put the operator<< in boost namespace,
everything is fine (??). Anyone else seeing this? For the moment I am
assuming this is a compiler bug, but if I missed some dusty (or not so
dusty :) corners of C++ that explain this (in favor of compiler),
someone please enlighten me, this is driving me nuts.


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