Vladimir Prus wrote:

b) versioning at the class level

I implemented a binary serialisation library at my previous work place that was very similar to what has been described here.

As for versioning, we left it up to the class. But implemented it in all classes. All classes stored a version number as the first item they wrote to the archive and then read it back in to know how to load them selves.

Not sure if it is the ideal way, but it worked. It would be nice not to have to handle this in every class, though.

I suppose it could be handled by the class registration. Give the registration info a version number. The in the reading method, the version number is passed in by the archive which the archive reads from the file.

The other issue we hit was that class names took up a lot of space in a binary archive so we went for type number (which was generated during class registration for each class). The problem here is that the order of registration is then important to preserve the numbers so that subsequent builds of the software can load up the old files.

We handled this by storing the type map in the file at the end (i.e. a list of type names/type numbers). This was read in and another map created that mapped the numbers in the file to the current class registration numbers. This is done as soon as the archive is opened for reading. It allows you to re-order the class registrations without worrying about not being able to open old files.

Another way to do it, rather than have a list in the file is to store the type name only when the first object of that type is saved. Subsequent saves of that object will only store the type number. When reading, the map is built up as objects of the various types are read back in.

A suggestion for being able to use the same code for loading/storing objects: I'm quite happy for the binary archive to just ignore the first parameter and write the value out, but as others aren't, then maybe a duplicate set of methods in the binary archive which don't take that parameter. This would allow you to write the same code for reading and writing xml/binary, but if you really didn't want the performance hit on your object in binary mode, then you could use the other methods and would have to have 2 lots of code.

I suppose the xml version could support the methods without comments as well, and just write the type e.g.


and this then leaves it up to the users of the library to how they wish to serialise.

Another difference we had, was that we had a base interface called Persistent which all objects stored polymorphically through the archive used. I like the idea of making the storing/loading method template based, so you don't need an interface class to store objects. Maybe you could customise the method that is called during the class registration process also? (with defaults). People may then be able to specify the same method for xml and binary or different ones, which means they wouldn't have to find out at run time in the serialise method as to whether it was XML or binary. I don't know if this could be done with templates, though.

We also used a static Create method that was stored during the registration process which meant we could make the default constructor protected or private to stop people calling it accidently if it was only there for the persistent archive.

Another way to do this is to make a constructor that takes the archive so the object could serialize itself at construction time as well as later on during its life.

Just some thoughs, but I really would like to see a library like this added to boost at some point.



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