Jason House wrote:

>> James Curran wrote:
>> > Vladimir Prus wrote:
>> >> The intent is to get/change the part of leaf name after the first
>> >> dot.
>> >
>> >     um.. After the FIRST dot or the LAST dot.
>> >
>> >     In Win32, "james.m.curran.txt" the extention is "txt", not
>> > "m.curran.txt"
>> Note too that on Windows/NTFS, names like 'c:/foo/bar.baz.blip:blat' are
>> legal.  The 'extension' is '.blip', not '.baz.blip' and not
>> '.baz.blip:blat'.

> :blat ???
> 1. I have no clue what that would mean

I, too, had not clue about this until now.

> 2. Is there any handling of :blat in any way shape or form in the file
> system stuff?  I don't remember seeing any description of that case...

Does those "alternate streams" belong to filesystem library at all? 
For one thing, the ':' symbols is not allowed anywhere except for root name.
For another thing, on all systems but NTFS, "bar.baz.blip:blat" would be
considered as having "blip:blat" extension, and making the function behave
differently on NTFS is confusing. Lastly, the 'extension' function is
supposed to do only syntax transformation, but to tell if you're on Fat32
or NFTS you'd need to ask operating system...

- Volodya

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