Pavol Droba said:
> I have noticed a lot of new warnings in the release 1.30.
> I absuletely agree, that there is no reason to do some kind of "line by
> line"  pragma suppression.
> But...
> Most of the new warnings can be easily removed with a static_cast. I
> don't understand, why any boost lib have to generate such a warnings.

I'm going to guess that most of the new warnings you see aren't level 4
warnings.  I'll also guess that the crept in for the same reason I missed
some VC warnings in Boost.Threads with 1.30.  That is to say, it happened
because I assumed Boost.Build was setting the warning level to an
appropriate default (i.e. the level that the IDE sets for new projects),
when in fact, it wasn't setting it at all.  I posted about this a while

If this isn't the cause, then you'll have to ask individual authors,
and/or submit patches.

William E. Kempf

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