> It should save some work to define these objects in terms of geometric
> algebra.

While I fully agree with this, you might find you'll have a hard time
convincing other people of this. Many people are so locked into the
traditional concepts of linear algebra that a geometric library without
matrices (to put it bluntly) won't be very useful to many people.

> How about Jaap Suter's Geometric Algebra library?
> http://jaapsuter.com/

If, and only if, people agree that Geometric (or Clifford) Algebra is the
way to go, then my library might be a good starting point. I am still
working on a few issues and adding new functionality (most notably
compile-time versions of the Clifford operators for gradelists, so I can put
a proper operator overloading scheme in place), but the benchmarks I have
done so far prove that my library is the fastest of the few Geometric
Algebra libraries around. One of the things I've done is port the raytracer
(http://carol.wins.uva.nl/~fontijne/raytracer/) made by Daniel Fontijne, and
used as a benchmark for Gaigen and Clu.

I will be releasing a paper with all the details somewhere about 6 weeks
from now. I originally planned to have it done before that, but my work is
taking up too much time at the moment.

If anybody has any questions about my library, I would be glad to help out.
I'm using it a lot myself and it has been very useful so far.


Jaap Suter

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