Alexander Terekhov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Terje Slettebų wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
> [...]
>>  > why shouldn't std::exception use std::strings?
>> See here (
> "....
>  Unfortunately, operating systems other than Windows also wind non-C++ 
>  "exceptions" (such as thread cancellation) into the C++ EH machinery
>  ...."
> There's no such thing as 'non-C++ "exceptions"'. 

Exceptions that have no C++ type associated with them and exceptions
which are thrown by the system under conditions which the standard
does not allow for (e.g. asynchronous exceptions without the presence
of user-invoked undefined behavior) are what I mean by "non-C++

> Brain-damaged forced unwinding aside for a moment, an implementation
> provided exceptions for thread exit, cancelation... AND
> synchronous-signals-translated- to-exceptions ARE "normal" C++
> exceptions. 

That really depends on the implementation.

> And, BTW, it's quite reasonable to expect that they're all derived
> from std::exception...

Except that they're not even always C++ types (c.f. Microsoft).

> "....
>  if every exception were derived from std::exception and everyone 
>  substituted catch(std::exception&) for catch(...), the world would 
>  be a better place.
>  ...."
> The world WILL be a better place when people finally realize that
> C++ DOES need a mandatory 2-phase exception handling and that the 
> current C++ standard is seriously broken with respect to exceptions 
> specs (plus a few other "less important" EH-related things). It 
> desperately needs some fixing.

So quit complaining ineffectively and submit a DR with suggested
wording changes.  [That is a non-boost issue, BTW.  If you want to
discuss it, you should take it elsewhere]

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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