I am also interested in this. I like the idea of being able to compose streambufs to combine facilities, possibly something like this:

template< typename CharT, class StreamBuf >
class streambuf_compose

Where it inherits from the parent streambuf. I have not though this idea through completely yet.

I am also interested in indentation facilities, with the ability to turn them off (e.g. formatting CDATA or PRE tags in XML/HTML).

Also, is there a way for you to bind a streambuf to a stream? I have not had any direct experience with stream buffers, so I don't know. If not, it would be a good idea to have an I/O stream that can have a custom stream buffer, that way you can use stream facilities on these buffers, thus gaining access to compression, encription, etc.

I have basic code that writes a stream to a Windows console using WriteFile and GetStdHandle functions. This is not a complete stream implementation, but would be useful to have - expressed as I/O traits?? E.g.

class windows_io_traits
     typedef HANDLE handle_type;
     inline handle_type get_output_handle()
        return( ::GetStdHandle( STD_OUT_HANDLE ));
     inline write( handle_type h, const char * data, long len )
        ::WriteFile( h, data, len );


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