
I finally mostly finished first long promised revision for Boost.Test.

Here is the list of major features/updates:

* Major update for documentation
  I still think that docs need a lot of work. They incomplete and there are
several pages missing. Also some tutorial material needs to be extended. I
reworked documentation structure. All suggestions and comment in this regard
are welcome.

  New tool allows not only check that desired exception has thrown, but also
validate a predicate with an exception as an argument.

* Test cases/suites dependency support
  Now one should be able to say: "do not run this test case/suite unless
that test case passed"
     test_case_1->depend_on( test_case_2 );

* zero arity function template based test case.
This is the case met several times in boost libraries tests: run some
function several times with different template parameter as an template
argument. Unfortunately due to some C++ limitation I did not find a solution
with out extra out of function support. Here is the syntax:

template<typename T>
void my_foo( ) // add parameter T* =0 if you want it to work under MSVC 6.5



test->add( BOOST_FUNC_TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE( my_foo, types_list ) );

Above statement will make the framework to run the function my_foo<type>(),
instantiated with all types in provided as a second argument type list.

* Smart predicates support
In some cases users want to be able to perform complex check and in
combination with result to return error message with explanation
I moved extended_predicate_value into public interface. Now used could
return instance if this class that could hold boolean value and error
message from a predicate. The framework will use the supplied error message
for error logging

* Support for non-printable types
In some cases users forced to use less descriptive tools because more
descriptive would require presence of the output operator<<()
For example:
std::list<int> my_list, expected_list;

BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( my_list, expected_list );

Now this does not work cause std::list<int> does not have an operator<<()
defined. To address this I added extra decision point which function to use
to print the value. One could overwrite this function to use custom print
mechanism. Also helper macro
BOOST_TEST_DONT_PRINT_LOG_VALUE( type_name ) introduced, that automatically
prevent compilation error in above case. Use it outside of test function



BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( my_list, expected_list ); // Now works

BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( my_list, expected_list );

* many bug fixes and minor enhancements

Update is available in cvs. Let me know about any issues.



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