On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 10:48 AM, Jan Gaspar wrote:

insert in general should have the basic exception safety guarantee.
But when inserting only one element at either end, the strong guarantee
is in place.

I think the strong guarantee can reached only in case the cyclic_buffer is not
full (if there is no reallocation).

You can do it with push_back/front too regardless. vector::push_back has the strong guarantee. If you're using copy semantics (which I would expect instead of move semantics), you basically have to build a whole new vector in a temp (with the push_back), and then swap it in when everything is set (just describing the realloc branch here).

If you're looking ahead to use move semantics to perform this operation, it is a little more tricky, but not too much. In fact it is easier with cyclic_buffer than it is with vector! :-) You have to push_back the new element into the temporary first. If it throws, the temporary cleans up the new buffer. If it doesn't, *then* move the old data over (move must be nothrow).


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