Since my last announcement (a couple of weeks ago) of refining the more_io files that were reviewed a few months ago, I've done another set of revisions. The altered files are in the Boost Sandbox CVS.

Besides an altered "boost/io_fwd.hpp" and "libs/io/doc/index.html", we got:

* changed the test files to use Boost.Test's unit test system
* a few documentation tweaks, and documentation of the following code changes
* compacted some more repeating templates with macros
* added missing stream(buf) typedef's
* for array-based stream buffers, added accessors for the read and write character counts/positions
* for array-based stream buffers, clarified copy constructor semantics (but blocked the standard assignment operator)
* for array-based streams and stream buffers, added ability to specify the opening mode on construction; for stream buffers, added an inspection method for the opening mode
* for array-based stream buffers, enabled buffer positioning (by giving new meaning to the seekoff and seekpos virtual methods); this allows the positioning methods given in the input and output stream base classes to work

Some questions/RFCs:

1. The observer methods "characters_read" and "characters_written" return zero if the current get/put area is at the beginning of the internal array, or if that particular area is inactive (via not activating its bit in the constructing opening mode). Should I change the semantics to return (-1) if that particular area is inactive, so the two cases can be distinguished?
2. If the change proposed in [1] is done, should I remove the opening mode observer method "open_mode"? If I do [1], then I can calculate the mode manually by testing the results of "characters_read" and "characters_written".
3. The buffer positioning overrides were written after "characters_read" and "characters_written". Since the repositioning methods can indirectly give the position of an area marker, they overlap in functionality with "characters_read" and "characters_written". Should I just remove my custom methods? Note that answering "yes" will affect [1] and [2].


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