>From: "Philip Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Now, the reason for my posting.  I am using MSVC 7.0 and am unable to
> compile the date_time library tests.  Compiling time_parsing.hpp gives
> me an error in lexical_cast, where there is no output operator for the
> lexical_cast<unsigned short> compiled for the function
> parse_delimited_time_duration.    But the test regression results for
> date_time indicates that all tests pass for MSVC 7.0.  What am I doing
> wrong?

It could be a couple of things going wrong. First, there were some problems
with lexical_cast that were discovered after 1.30 was shipped, so they are
fixed in the CVS, but not in the file release. Unless you've done it, I
suggest getting the latest file from the CVS.

Secondly, unless you already have it, try enabling wchar_t as an intrinsic
type (option "Zc:wchar_t"). Otherwise, it will treat unsigned char and
wchar_t as synonyms.



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