The boost-sandbox is showing some strange behaviour. 
When checking out the boost-sandbox/numeric/bindings/traits/type.h using
the :ext: server I get version 1.3 (on the HEAD), with :pserver: it's
only 1.2. The WebCVS also only shows up to version 1.2.

Could others with both :ext: and :pserver: access confirm this ?
(I must be doing soth wrong here because this is too crazy but there are
no branches, I've updated using '-APCd' and all ....)

<with :ext: using ssh>
RCS file:
Working file: type.h
head: 1.3
locks: strict
access list:
symbolic names:
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 3;     selected revisions: 3
revision 1.3
date: 2003/06/23 16:12:01;  author: tknapen;  state: Exp;  lines: +20 -2
new type conversions
revision 1.2
date: 2003/06/03 14:38:28;  author: tknapen;  state: Exp;  lines: +9 -4
made include guards uppercase
revision 1.1
date: 2002/10/25 20:42:28;  author: tknapen;  state: Exp;
another rework by Kresimir

<with :pserver:>

RCS file:
Working file: type.h
head: 1.2
locks: strict
access list:
symbolic names:
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 2;     selected revisions: 2
revision 1.2
date: 2003/06/03 14:38:28;  author: tknapen;  state: Exp;  lines: +9 -4
made include guards uppercase
revision 1.1
date: 2002/10/25 20:42:28;  author: tknapen;  state: Exp;
another rework by Kresimir

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