Paul A. Bristow wrote:
I also have an updated ('C++ 1998 STL standardized') version of James Kanze's
of filtering streambuf and filtering streams derived from his files at re-built for MSVC 7.1, (Could be posted on request).

Please do.

and his illuminating articles in C++ Report 1998 (attached).

There are also several examples of Inserting (decorating - not sure this term is
an improvement) and Extracting on input, and some tests (though not Boost style

I guess it depends on whether a person is more used to unix "filtering" term or the person wants to emphasize the "design pattern" of the code (as mentioned by Maxim Egorushkin on about 6/14).


(More sadly, I was much impeded in trying to understand much of Larry's work in
progress on account of the bizarre layout - this would be an serious impediment
to acceptance by Boosters - see the Boost coding guidelines?)

OK. I concede it's bizarre, but I really didn't think it would impede understanding. I've just been using it for years and it has some distinct advantages (IMHO) over the Boost guidelines. However, I been thinking about writing a program to just move the ";"'s to the end of line using maybe spirit or wave. I was also thinking about using a filter or decorator to do that :) Now I have more of a reason to do that.

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