JOLY Loic said:
> Hello,
> I am currently trying to use the Boost.Threads library on windows (VC++
> 7.0 and 7.1 compilers), and I wonder about some points :
> 1/ Dynamic libraries
> Although I compiled boost with the option "-sBUILD=debug release
> <runtime-link>static/dynamic", the library is still generated as a DLL.
> I do not exactly know what is meant by "static" in this case.

<runtime-link> specifies how you link against the C RTL, not what type of
library will be built.

Currently (and for the forseeable future), Boost.Threads will only produce
dynamic link libraries.  Read the mail archives for a detailed explanation
of why.

> What I know is I would appreciate to link fully statically with a .lib
> file and no .dll at run-time.

I sympathize, but it's just not reasonable.  Again, read the archives.

> 2/ The use of DLL-exported classes that derive from or uses as member
> variables non-DLL-exported classes is generating some warnings by msvc
> that fall into two categories (4275 and 4251). Would it be possible to
> insert #pragma to remove these spurious warnings ?

I'm addressing this issue.

William E. Kempf

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