Hi Vladimir,

Vladimir Prus wrote:
> There's another question: why store "u" at all. I'm
> guessing "source(*ei, g)" might be more efficient?

That's a good thought, but there might be a problem
trying to dereference a past-the-end iterator.  I
mentioned before that ei_end could always be generated
from u instead of storing it, but it's just a question
of trading cycles for bytes.  Which resource is more

> I'm thinking we have some technical questions left
> apply your patch.
> 1. It needs license from you.

Can you copy the standard license in for me?

//  (C) Copyright Bruce Barr, 2003
//  Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
distribute this software
//  is granted provided this copyright notice appears
in all copies.
//  This software is provided "as is" without express
or implied
//  warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability
for any purpose.

> 2. Once you decide on 1) I'll commit your patch,
> making nonrecursive dfs default. I plan to retain
> old version for a while, because it would be
> desirable to compare performance.


> 3. Maybe, the FAQ, either fully or partically, must
> be added too.

How about adding:

    // FAQ's can be found at:
    // or
    // or
    // or


    // after all of its out-edges have been examined.

If you happen to know that one of those links can be
counted on to persist, then the other three aren't
really needed.



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