> I was thinking about designing a GUI/GDI template
> library.  
> The main ideas are:
> 1. Create a portable template abstraction for standard
> GUI/GDI elements and dialog boxes.
> 2. Design an "iterator-like" interface.
> 3. The most important goal is design a natural
> connection between STL containers and GUI elements, so
> that STL data can be easily presented in the GUI
> environment.

That's great! Good luck!
I think it will ve *very* hard to provide an interface that 
won't bind you to an underlying UI system. I'm quite interested
in the development of this.

I'm trying to develop some UI library myself - but with a different
goal in mind: sit on top of a framework (ex: WTL/ MFC), and make it
easier to work with them - sending messages, etc. And also, simpler
*creation* of windows. That's it!
(my personal oppinion is that going further is not worth the trouble,
 but I hope you'll prove me wrong)


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