Matthias Troyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The third patch (patch3) is a workaround for operators.hpp, since the
> Boost PP library does not seem to work on the IBM. Is the preprocessor
> library really needed for that name mangling:
> #define BOOST_OPERATOR2_LEFT(name)
>  BOOST_PP_SEQ_CAT_S(1,(name)(2)(_)(left))
> or couldn't the simple
> #define BOOST_OPERATOR2_LEFT(name) name##2_left
> be used which would make Boost more portable? If there are reasons why
> the PP version is preferred? If there is a reason for the PP version
> then could someone please apply the patch with the workaround?


Daniel, I also had to apply massive patching to accessibility in
bool_testable.  It fails on so many compilers that I begin to have
doubts that making it private is legal.  Could you check, please?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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