> >   1. i'm 99% sure that plain
> >       resource language or even XML is much cleaner than c++ bindings-
> >       templates-operators mess.
> Templates aren't always beautiful, but this library is targeted towards
> C++ programmers who should be familiar with them.  We've had the STL for
> over 5 years now.  I don't know how to read "plain resource language" or
> XML, but I know how to read C++.  That said one of the primary goals of
> the library should be to make easy to write and read user code.  I think
> the code generated using my library is pretty easy to read so far:
> gui_application<employee> gui = row("Name: ", edit(&employee::name));

Forgive me for not agreeing with you here ;-)

Just think how hard it is - even for a programmer -, when dealing with lets
say 50-100 types of windows, each window having more than 20-30 controls, to
have an OVERVIEW.
Not talking about maintaining that code.
Not talking about internationalization.

So IMHO resource files are THE option.


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