Thomas Witt wrote:

Vladimir Prus wrote:

| Reid Sweatman wrote:
| So, to summarize, I've no problem with the current name that I've
| introduced.

:-). Seriously having two functions that differ only by number is a
no-go to me.

| Of other suggestions "create_directory_and_parents" looks best
| to me. "ensure_directory_exists" does not imply any operational semantic
| (i.e. the name does not say that the directory will be created.

That's exactly the point. The operational semantics are that the
directory is only created if it not already exists. The long name is

do_what_it_takes_but_make_sure_this_directory_exists(path p);

May I bicycleshedingly suggest

   make_directory_hierarchy() or
   make_hierarchy() ?

On X-Windows systems there is a small program called mkdirhier.
So, the names I suggested resemble it a bit.

Regards, m

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