At 06:28 AM 8/7/2003, Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
>Hi all,
>I've tried to use the variant library to implement some new
>functionality inside the Boost.Spirit library. I must say, I'm
>impressed. Very well done!
>I've stumbled over a problem though: gcc (Cygwin: gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927
>(prerelease)) reports:
>In file included from D:/cvs/boost/boost/variant/variant.hpp:25,
>                 from D:/cvs/boost/boost/variant.hpp:22,
>                 from
>                 from
>                 from D:/cvs/spirit/boost/spirit/core.hpp:49,
>                 from grammar_tests.cpp:18:
>D:/cvs/boost/boost/variant/detail/forced_return.hpp:57: default argument
>   specified in explicit specialization
>Is it my fault? Other compilers (VC7.1) work well.


The variant library developers were checking in changes almost daily until a week or two ago, so you might want to make sure you have the latest from CVS.

They haven't been active since then, however, so may be on vacation or otherwise busy.


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