Jonathan de Halleux, writes:

Could you provide some simple examples of cppxmlobj ? the sourceforge doc
points to doxygen doc. but there aren't any examples of use.


I intend to write some docs for all of this, especially on all of the neat stuff that the cppxmlobj XML parser can do (like includes, templates etc), but for now, if you fire up the doxygen stuff and take a look at all of the "cppxmlobject_test" namespace and classes, you can see some test objects called "foo", "bar" and "main" that are persisting to xml. This will show you what type of work you need to do on a class to get it to persist.

If you get the source for "cppxmlobj" and untar it, take a look inside the "test" folder and you can see the actual xml files that are read to instantiate foo, bar and root. You can probable start to see the type of thing that is happening with the library at this point.

When I do some real docs, I'll let you guys know again so you can take a real look.

Paul Hamilton
pHamtec P/L - Software Makers

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