
I'm working with boost::thread_specific_ptr in a Win32 environment and
sometimes I get an access violation
when my program exits. To reproduce the error I write the following
sample program:

#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/tss.hpp>
#include <iostream>

class Data
  std::cout << reinterpret_cast<int>(this) << std::endl ;
} ;

typedef boost::thread_specific_ptr<Data> ThrData ;

void main()
 ThrData data ;
 data.reset( new Data ) ;
 data.reset() ;

You can see how the Data destructor is called twice, one in the
data.reset() execution and the second when the program

I was examining the boost source code and I think the problem is in the
file libs\thread\src\tss.cpp
bool tss::set(void* value)
    if (value && m_cleanup)
        cleanup_handlers* handlers = get_handlers();
        if (!handlers)
            return false;
        cleanup_info info(m_cleanup, value);
        (*handlers)[m_key] = info;
    return !!TlsSetValue(m_key, value);
In this function when value is a NULL pointer the cleanup_info data is
not actualized. So when the thread ends
it will delete the data that was deleted previously with the
boost::thread_specific_ptr::reset() method.

I think the solution is
bool tss::set(void* value)
    if (m_cleanup)
This way a NULL pointer actualizes the cleanup_info data, but I don't
know if there is any lateral effect when removing
value from the 'if' sentence.


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