At 09:57 AM 8/13/2003, Hubert Holin wrote:

>Somewhere in the E.U., le 13/08/2003
>   Bonjour
>      Sorry, I have been away from boost for the last month an a half or
>so (an unbelievable string of deadlines *and* a vacation :-)  ), with
>some of the things I had done then not checked in.
>      I'll try to fix the Gcc problem today (or tomorrow morning at the
>latest), but I fear that some of the work I did for special functions,
>some of which are required by quaternions and octonions, might create
>some new, more delicate, problems with older compilers (in other words,
>Gcc 2.95.x might be out).
>      At any rate, I only have CodeWarrior locally available for tests
>(but I will read the results of the various platform runs to fix
>things), so it might prove inconvenient for the "imminent" release.

If there are new failures, is it OK if I try to fix them? I've got 8 compilers, will have a pretty good idea if changes break anything.


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