
"Eric Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
Brian Simpson wrote:
> A fundamental problem encountered by boost::variant is that of
> invoking an overloaded function for the correct type, where the type > is not known
> runtime. As near as I can tell, all proposed solutions to this
> problem
> involved uncomfortable space or time tradeoffs. I have read several
> posts which asked why we couldn't use a switch statement--it would > avoid the expenses of the current solutions without incurring any of > its own. Until recently, I agreed with those (whose expertise I > highly respect) who said it was not possible.

I don't think anyone ever said it wasn't possible. It was just whether
it would actually improve anything -- i.e., it was unclear whether compilers would optimize recursively-inlined switch statements better than recursively-inlined if statements.


Sorry, I've just gotten back from vacation. I haven't spent *too* much
time looking through your code, but I can't see how it improves on my current code, which features sequence unrolling. If you could explain to me I'd appreciate it.

Heavily qualified explanation to follow... :)


> It was while I was browsing the recently added implementation of > switched type selection based on the variadic template parameters > that
> idea occurred to me.

Wait, hold on a second. The current implementation isn't tied to any particular "unrolling constant." The current visitation mechanism after preprocessing should like like this (see function template

Oops! I saw the typedef'd names, observed their similarity to the names of the template parameters, and immediately assumed that the switch was based on those parameters. Therefore, the value I _thought_ I was adding was in the basing of the switch statement on an mpl::Sequence rather than on the template parameters. I took a closer look at the current implementation and observed that it is, indeed, based on the Sequence rather than the template parameters--and I feel a little stupid for not noticing it before :).

Thus, if we are to assume O(1) complexity for a switch, then the complexity of the visitation mechanism becomes O( N / unrolling-size ), where unrolling-size is exposed as

It sounds like you've become convinced that the switch is, indeed, worth the effort? (I infer from the previous statement that you consider the 'if' to be O(N), as opposed to a O(1) for the switch.)

BOOST_VARIANT_APPLY_VISITOR_UNROLLING_LIMIT. I think this is as good as it gets.

Let me know if your implementation is achieving a better result.

My implementation is not achieving a better result :). It's achieving the same result as yours; I mentioned above the proposed extra value--which, unfortunately for my credibility, was based on a faulty reading.

Still, I would like to put forward a couple of considerations. These are comparatively subjective:
1) The "runtime_type_selected_invoker" component is implemented independent of variant. Two benefits deriving from this approach are:
a) "variant" becomes a client rather than a collaborator in the usage of the functionality. The practical differences? A three-argument function call rather than a six-argument call dependent on two supporting typedefs.
b) Distribution decisions can be made separately for the two. One that I thought of was preprocessing. If someone wants to distribute preprocessed versions of code, he can make one decision for variant and another for "rtts".

2) An interesting characteristic of your approach is that it results in the generation of "extra" cases which should never be executed. There seems to be some extra complexity involved in implementing these extra cases. The implementation I propose does not suffer this problem. (Don't these extra cases seem like constructing a foundation with the cracks "built-in"? I know that the correctness of the class should make it impossible to ever fall in, but it still makes me nervous.)
If you don't have to worry about how to implement "extra" cases, you can spend more time implementing more visible stuff!

To reiterate: these are subjective considerations. The runtime behavior of both--which is the most objective measure--_is equivalent_. (Actually, my posted implementation had an extra integer operation that yours didn't. I changed it so that the operation is done at compile-time. It required no changes to the interface, so variant benefited transparently.)

Again, thanks for your work. I couldn't have even made this proposal (and had a little fun) had so much legwork not been done already. And I apologize for saying that you hadn't implemented such a solution when you actually had.


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