At 12:48 PM 8/12/2003, Hugo Duncan wrote:
>Trying to use the new random library on borland gives runtime problems.
>The following program below gives a constant result of 85.
>I have tracked the problem to variate_generator.hpp, where the internal
>engine type is computed
> typedef typename random::detail::engine_helper<have_int,
>want_int>::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE impl<decorated_engine, typename
>Distribution::input_type>::type internal_engine_type;
>In the example program it is using uniform_int_float instead of uniform_01
>(engine_helper<false,true> instead of engine_helper<true,false>)
>I could patch the engine_helper to work using mpl::bool_, but the
>dependency is probably not wanted?

I've had some email with Jens about the Borland compiler. He is aware of the problems caused by compiler bugs, but hasn't had time to figure out workarounds.

I'm really hoping he will do some work on documentation (to reflect the new interface) before spending any time on broken compilers.

That doesn't really answer your question, but perhaps it help a bit.


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