Beman Dawes wrote:
> At 11:13 PM 8/10/2003, Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
>  >Beman Dawes wrote:
>  >> Assuming I'm release manager for 1.31.0, I'm going to publish explicit
>  >> release criteria for key platform/compiler pairs. Basically, the
>  >> criteria will be 100% accounting for all failures on those
>  >> platform/compiler pairs.
>  >
>  >While I totally support the failures markup goal, I would like to see
>  >_the_ release criteria to include "no regressions from the previous
>  >release" item as well, preferrably for all non-beta compilers that are
>  >currently under regression testing. Especially since now we have tools
>  >to ensure it.
> That sounds reasonable to me.
>  >Especially since now we have tools to ensure it.
> Damn. I forgot to bookmark the URL. Could you post it again please?

Here's the page that links to all the reports we currently provide -

Please note that at the moment the main trunk report is not run against
1.30.0 results, but using the failures markup you provided us with - thus a
greater number of red color there.

> Or
> better yet add something to boost-root/status/compiler_status.html linking
> to the permanent location. That in turn means deciding what of your
> experiment work is permanent and where it will live.

Will happily do that, although it'll probably take some time to figure out
the best way. We'll post the prototype for the discussion before actually
checking it in.

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