On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 06:34:35 -0500, John Fuller wrote
> HL7 v3, a health care application layer specification, uses the term 
> with time intervals as
> an operation on a totally ordered set that produces the smallest 
> interval that is a superset.
> For example, hull({[1,5], [7,10]}) == [1,10]
> The unabridged specification part II available on Dr. Schadow's page 
> http://aurora.regenstrief.org/v3dt/
> gives nice examples.

John -

Thanks for this pointer.  I've changed the name to hull in CVS so it will be
nice to have some examples.  This is one of the more interesting public
specifications of time related concepts I've seen -- matches up quite well
with many of the concepts in the library :-)


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