Paul Hamilton wrote:
> Well,
> I've tried to work through the solutions to:
> ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format
> Which are basically "-fno-common" on the compile line of each file, but 
> apart from the fact that tihs doesn't actually work in this case (we
> still get the error), it's not really a very good idea.
> Does anybody have any suggestions for working around this code:
> namespace boost {
> namespace io {
> namespace detail {
> namespace  {
>    template<class Tr, class Ch> inline
>    void empty_buf(BOOST_IO_STD basic_ostringstream<Ch,Tr> & os) {
>      static const std::basic_string<Ch, Tr> emptyStr;
>      os.str(emptyStr);
>    }
> };};};};

Did you try to remove the "static const"?
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