"E. Gladyshev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> --- Gregory Colvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The C++ standard requires that a copy of an allocator is equivalent
>> to the original.
>> Right.  If your allocators can't be copied safely then you have a
>> problem.  Peter's approach is one way to fix the problem.  But I
>> don't see that shared_ptr has a problem.
> All I am trying to say is that shared_ptr doesn't specify 
> any requirements on its Deleter parameter.

Not so:

       "Requirements: p must be convertible to T *. D must be
       CopyConstructible. The copy constructor and destructor of D
       must not throw. The expression d(p) must be well-formed, must
       not invoke undefined behavior, and must not throw exceptions."

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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