Current meeting -
Tues, Sep 12th -
The Perl Conference 2017 Review : Damian's keynote ( from TPC / YAPC::NA)

ROOM TBD - watch Email or @BostonPM twitter or Wiki for room # when confirmed !

The Damian Conway gave one of his rapid-paced, wide-ranging
tour-de-force presentations as an invited Keynote talk at TPC 2017 aka
YAPC::NA. He discusses the frustrations of a Perl6 activist dropping
back to Perl5, and what he did to scratch those itches. Hence his
title, "Why I Love Perl". We will relive his keynote via the magic
lantern, and discuss among ourselves.

NOTE: Parking Alert. Recent changes in MIT Parking Dept web pages
(parking , visitors, public ) no longer allow un-permitted parking
(This is a natural response to several other East Campus parking lots
being eaten by new building sites for campus expansion.)
Only legit parking is Cambridge meters (late hours!) and paid lot/garages.
Come by Train, Bus, Bicycle, or Foot if you can!
(Parking at MBTA Garages are convenient to T and not overpriced,
unlike most in-town garages.)
Also, construction detour is even longer than last time if driving,
Wadsworth to/from Mem Drive & Amherst St to Ames both closed, only
access by car is Wadsworth to/from Main St east-bound.

Boilerplate details

Tech Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at MIT
building E51, Sloan School Tang Center [not the other Tang building!]
nearer to Kendall Sq than Mass Ave. (directions).
Talk begins at 7:30.
Refreshments in the hallway prior.
RSVP for count encouraged but not required, to or
Boston-PM list, by 4pm Tuesday.

NOTE STAY TUNED for updates, as Room # is NOT YET CONFIRMED. Likely
one of our usual on 3rd floor of E51.

Next Meeting -
Tuesday, October 10th
Adam Russell "Deep Learning in Perl"

LIVE Speaker !

Bill Ricker

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