>>>>> "RJK" == Ronald J Kimball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  RJK> Uri has arranged a couple lightning talks for us.  I will be
  RJK> giving a lightning talk on my proposal for a new syntax for L<>
  RJK> in POD, and I believe Uri will be giving a lightning talk
  RJK> entitled "the 'instant' Stem cookbook".

actually i was only proposing that to you and since i was doing a longer
talk next month i said i wasn't going to do it.

but i could whip up a 5 minute talk by later today. does anyone want
such a beast, the stem instant cookbook? it will be a quicky tutorial on
creating stem cells.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
----- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding ----
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