* Ranga Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-10-11 13:42]:
> I need to parse a string that has multiple occurrences of a pattern
> that is determined by an embeded count. For example:
> 02 s1n1 s1n2 3 s2n1 s2n2 s2n3 1 s3n1 4 s4n1 s4n2 s4n3 s4n4
> 02 is the count and I need to extract s1n1 and s2n2
> 3 is the count and  I need to extract s2n1, s2n2 and s2n3

Don't use a regex:

  my $s = "02 s1n1 s1n2 3 s2n1 s2n2 s2n3 1 s3n1 4 s4n1 s4n2 s4n3 s4n4";
  my @s = split /\s+/, $s;
  my @all = ();  # holds the answer

  while (@s) {
      my $num = shift @s;
      my @inner;         
      for (1 .. int($num)) {
          push @inner, shift @s
      push @all, \@inner;

  print Dumper(\@all);


$VAR1 = [

$s is the original string, @s is the split string, and @all is the list.
You'll probably want to do something other thanb push @all and print
Dumper(), of course...


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