Wow.  This is driving me crazy.  I'm looking for a value in one of the
keys in a hash, like so:

my %apples = (macintosh => {weight => '10lb', cost => '5'},
              red_delicious => {weight => '15lb', cost => '2'},
              fuji => {weight => '12lb', cost => '7'});

my @test = qw(granny_smith crabapple);

foreach my $t (@test){ print "$t not found\n" unless $apples{$t}{weight}
} print "\n-----------------------\n"; foreach my $a (keys %apples){
    print "$a: weight: $apples{$a}{weight}\n";

And what I get output is this:

granny_smith not found
crabapple not found

granny_smith: weight:
fuji: weight: 12lb
crabapple: weight:
red_delicious: weight: 15lb
macintosh: weight: 10lb

Now, what's driving me crazy is that the two test values are being added
to the hash, simply by looking for $apples{$t}{weight}.  If I simply
look for $apples{$t}, like so:

foreach my $t (@test){ print "$t not found\n" unless $apples{$t} }

new hash members are not created.  Why should this be?

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