Dear Ranga - 

Ranga Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Someone ought to pick this up and send a message to the corporate
> world. I fight the corpos as much as I can but it is like fighting
> the city hall.

Rest assured, some of us are spreading the word in the corporate
world.  PeopleSoft has already commited to providing their software on
linux and we're pushing for MySQL now.  My PeopleSoft modules are up
on CPAN; it may be at a crawl, but the migration to more open source
in the corporate world is making inroads.

     Yours -      Billy

     William Goedicke     [EMAIL PROTECTED]            

          Lest we forget:

In a hundred years Richard Stallman's open software development model
will be likened to Henry Ford's assembly line as one of history's
greatest contributions to productivity.

                - William Goedicke

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