Chris Ball wrote:

> Has anyone played with Perl on .Net platform? Good, bad or ugly?
Depending on what sort of integration with .NET you want, I'd scale it
from ugly to impractical. If you're looking for a way to construct .NET
attributes, events, delegates and the like through Perl, ActiveState
might be able to help you.

I wouldn't dismiss ActiveState's efforts with Perl just because their Python efforts didn't pan out.

They had hoped to achieve something like what you describe -> emitting .NET bytecode from perl/python sourcecode, and found this too difficult to be worth doing. So what they did for is build a packaging mechanism that bundles the perl compiler
in with your perl code when building your .NET assemblies (similar to PAR or perl2exe.) I'm on AS's .NET mailing list, and I think those have used it have found that it works fine.

I've been extremely happy writing COM components using Windows Scripting Components and ActiveState's perlscript, and also writing
Active Server Pages applications with PerlScript. They all worked amazingly well considering they're not supported by Microsoft. The documentation
tends to be light, and don't expect to find too much in the way of examples on the net, but I've never had a big problem implementing MS's proprietary interfaces
with Perl..

I would expect Perl.NET to be of similar quality and utility, because AS's windows support tends to be great, and I haven't heard anything to the contrary.

If I had a choice, though, I would make life really simple and just write a COM control or Windows Script Component.

Cost to you is zero, learning curve almost zip, and .NET interop's just fine.

John Sequeira

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