On Mon, 2004-08-02 at 19:32, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
> Ron, Sean,
>     Thank you both.  I will give it a try.  Sean, no worries, I have a two-layered 
> security system in place, and plenty of well-placed warnings.  I'm perfectly happy 
> using CGI.pm (and am currently on this project).  But I am a bit curious to know if 
> there is a way to do this without using CGI.pm.

Of course you _can_ do it without CGI.pm. But why would you? It's
probably one of the most broadly used modules from CPAN. Very well
tested and stable.

That being said, there are many things it _can_ do that I don't usually
use it for. Like generating the CGI forms (I was writing HTML before
Perl, so it's just easier for me to print <<HTML;). But for anything
remotely complex (getting form args, file uploads, etc.), I'll gladly
let the CGI.pm maintainers (bless their souls) keep up with the latest
standards & best practices.

Now, I think someone mentioned mod_perl. mod_perl and CGI.pm are not, to
the best of my knowledge, exclusive. All of my current projects are
written as mod_perl modules (no actual directories or .cgi's needed! :),
but I still use CGI.pm for some things ... laziness again I suppose. It
works, I know the interface.

Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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