Alex Brelsfoard wrote:

OK, so here's what I'm trying to do:
1. A link sends you to my script.
2. My script immediately sends that page back to where it came from.
3. My script creates a new window, and continues to do stuff on it.

Make sense?

Err... not to me.

if you want to pop a new window open when a link sends you there (step
1), you do not need CGI, Perl or any other wizardry... just a link that

<a href="";
target="_new">YOUR LINK TEXT</a>

This gives you a new window on a click as you wanted, and if you have a
backend process in cgi that needs to do something with it, just give
that script's URL in the HREF above.

Makes sense ?


-- "'Problem' is a bleak word for challenge" - Richard Fish

Muad'Dib of Caladan (Federico L. Lucifredi)- Harvard University & BU

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