On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 02:40:10PM -0500, Greg London wrote:
> My worst case scenario assumed that programmers knew that perl was the
> best language for the job at hand. 

So, your analysis is limited to only those who accept that Perl is the
best language for the job?  Hm....

My point remains: if you see _one_ worst case scenario (namely that 
some programmers get their managers to pay for certs) then you are
ignoring a good deal of the issue.  There are lots of ways this whole
process can negatively impact Perl as a community.  

I raised a few of them.  There are others.  Some of those points are
admittedly weak.  Some of the points I raised cut to the core of the
issue.  There are a lot of other issues (both pro- and con-) that
haven't been raised in this particular thread, but have been discussed
(ad nauseum) over the last ~decade.  Forgive me if I didn't summarize
all of them today.

> after chastizing me for oversimplifying on at least two occaisions,
> you really need to show the same level of logical accuracy that you
> demand of me.

Fair point.

Let me say my peace with this: Perl Certification is a notoriously
slippery permathread.  All anyone has offered to date is annecdotal
evidence on one side or another, tied together with a heavy dose of
rhetoric (weak, strong, or both).  And, yes, I plead guilty to that

In all of the discussions I've seen, all of the points raised in favor
of certification boil down to this:
        If we had Perl certification, we would get benefits X, Y and Z.

The crux of the problem, is that these questions aren't getting answered:
  - Can we create a certification that will deliver benefits X, Y and Z?
  - Is certification a necessary precondition for X, Y and Z?
  - Aren't problems X', Y' and Z' really caused by something else,
    not the lack of certification?
  - Are X, Y and Z important?  Desirable?  Achievable?
  - Shouldn't we really be focusing on A, B and C instead?


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