>Can someone remind me why Perl needs to be more popular?  What actual
>problem will be solved?  Are we running low on module developers?  Running
>low on core developers?  Is the existing code-base evaporating?  Are there
>not enough t-shirt and book sales?  How will we know when Perl is popular
>enough?  Wouldn't it be easier to just trash the reputations of other
>languages?  Should we have existing Perl users use Perl more often?

I think your target audience is a little skewed from the original threads 
purpose.  I don't recall anyone claiming 
that their are not enough programmers.  I believe the problem was not enough 
unknowledgable, perl-accepting decision 

It doesn't need to be more popular though.  Nor does it need to be accepted by 
non-technical decision makers.  These 
are not necessities.  I just really liked programming in Perl for all those 
years, but since having a job means more 
to me than being able to choose which language I use in my job, I am now a C# 
programmer.  This because perl was not 
popular enough to be supported by my non-technical and technical managers.  I'm 
not complaining about learning a new 
language, I just really liked perl.  It's almost like being laid off from a 
corporation because not enough customers 
wanted to purchase their product.  So it is that I am no longer a "perl" 
programmer (defined by the language I use 50 
hours a week as opposed to the language I use 5 hours a week on side projects). 
 I am confident that, had perl more 
acceptance by those not in the know, the decision would have been made 
differently.  And it's like they had to choose 
between the two languages as all of our legacy code is written in perl.  Almost 
everything in-house is.  It still did 
not prevent them from deciding that Perl was not supported enough to continue 
using it.

>How will we know when Perl is popular enough?

Oooh.. this ones easy.  When my boss comes to me and says "use Perl for this 
next project".  I wouldn't ask for more 
perl popularity than that.

I hope I made the problem at hand more clear.


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