On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, Greg London wrote:

> Chris Devers said:
> > Advocacy *doesn't* work well.
> > But beyond keeping sites like that prominent, there's not really a lot
> > that can be done, pragmatically speaking, that seems likely to help.
> This is the same "I can't see how it will work,
> so it must not be possible" line of reasoning.

Maybe that's how it came across, but it isn't what I intended. 

I think it would be nice if Perl were more popular. I don't think 
advocacy is a bad thing. I don't think certification, or courses, are 
unreasonable. But of the ways I can think of to make Perl more popular, 
I'm not sure that any of these will be more effective than simply 
writing great software that a lot of people benefit from: setting up a 
certification program; setting up a marketing campaign; ranting about 
the matter endlessly on mailing lists; shouting down people who think 
that having more great software would be a good thing. 

But I could easily be speculating wrongly. Maybe rants do work!

> Just because you can't see an answer,
> doesn't mean the bazaar couldn't come up with one.

I didn't mean to imply otherwise.  
> > Adam's points are reasonable.
> >
> > I don't see why he's being attacked for voicing them.
> Adam gave an artificial either/or condition.

If you say so; he seemed a lot more reasonable & non-ranty than a lot of 
the messages I've seen in this thread, but YMseems-toV.

> If you prohibit them from doing what they want
> that doesn't mean they'll suddenly do what YOU want.

I'm not "prohibiting" anyone from doing anything. 
> If someone wants to advocate, telling them
> they should write cool perl scripts instead,
> means they might end up doing nothing.

What does "advocate" mean, to you, in this sentence? Grassroots word of 
mouth encouragement for Perl use? I have no problem with that. Taking 
out a full page ad in the New York Times? I'd be willing to give that a 
try. Setting up a certification program? I'd consider participating in 
that. Writing endless wailing mailing list screeds? This one, and only 
this one, I have a problem with.

This whole damned thread is a tempest in a teapot. What are people even 
arguing about? The point, if there ever was one, was lost a long time 
ago. At this point all I'm "advocating" for is that all reasonable 
points of view -- which includes both you, Sean, and Adam -- be given 
reasonable consideration, rather than just pointless diatribes, so that 
we can actually get some kind of clarity from all this endless verbiage.

But obviously, I seem to be in the minority opinion.

Chris Devers
Boston-pm mailing list

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