On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 01:16:36AM -0500, Tom Metro wrote:
> Adam Turoff wrote:
> >Tom Metro wrote:
> >>Adam Turoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>Hmmm...isn't that sort of what were talking about? If there's no job 
> >>market for Perl, that's kinda hard to do. Even if you run a business 
> >>where Perl is embedded, there are challenges to using it if the 
> >>marketplace shows resistance to it.
> >
> >There are businesses and products that are built on Perl where the
> >implementation language is not a concern.  RT and Bricolage come to
> >mind.
> I'd be willing to bet that Jesse has encountered, with some regularity,
> resistance to commercial adoption of RT due to its use of Perl.

Actually, I generally seeing pushback only from folks who'd rather RT be
written in Python (and very, very occasionally PHP.)  Folks who are
coming from the Java and .net worlds seem to expect applications to be
black boxes. What they really want are web services.  While perl's a
fantastic implementation language for us, I am bitten pretty regularly
by the lack of a GOOD server-side SOAP toolkit which makes it easy to
talk to non-perl applications.  

With regard to hiring: I've found the perl community to be much more
tied together than other language communities I've interacted with.
Which means that when I'm hiring (like I expect to be this spring), 
I don't have to look very far.   

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