>>>>> "AB" == Alex Brelsfoard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AB> OK, so I figured out, the hard way, a while ago that when you submit a
  AB> form with a checkbox or radio button with nothing checked, said checkbox
  AB> or radio button's field name does NOT get sent, via the browser, to my
  AB> perl script.  It's as if it does not exist.
  AB> Is there a way to guarantee that the field names will be passed to my
  AB> script?  The following ideas are options I would _not_ like to follow if
  AB> possible:
  AB> - set a default checkbox or redio button (so something is always filled
  AB> in). - use a hidden field to list of all the fields in the form.
  AB> - have the perl script read the HTML code from the page and make its own
  AB> list.
  AB> - javascript

you should never trust the browser to do anything as a fake browser can
be made with LWP (or other tools) and submit anything. so your form
handling script should know what fields to expect and use a default
value for any unset radio buttons. this is related to the common falacy
of using javascript for data validation which leads to dropping that
from the server. this defaulting is just part of proper data validation
that web servers must do. as for how your code will know what fields to
validate, that is another question. parsing the html seems like a very
clumsy way to me. why would your html have its fields changed and your
code doesn't get changed? 


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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