On 8/15/05, Kripa Sundar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Ben,
> > > > another bad point about eval is that it can access and modify lexicals
> > > > and globals anywhere in the code. so that can lead to action at a
> > > > distance and very hard to find bugs.
> > > [...]
> > I'm not sure if this is what is referred to, but it applies.
> >
> > If this is dynamic code where the string to be evaled is
> > passed in from elsewhere, then one problem is that you
> > might wind up picking up lexicals in the scope of the
> > eval, and being unable to pick up lexicals in the scope
> > where you tried to create the eval.  Closures would get
> > this right.
> >
> > Ruby solves this problem by giving you a number of
> > variations on eval, one of which evals things in the
> > context of your caller.  Still not perfectly general, but
> > much more likely to be right in this instance.
> Do you mean examples like below?
> ----------------------\/--------BEGIN---------\/----------------------
> % perl -le 'my $x = 7; my $str = q{print ++$x}; {my $x = 11; eval $str}'
> 12
> %
> ----------------------/\---------END----------/\----------------------

Close, but I meant more like this:

  sub foo {
    my $x = 7;
    my $generator = make_generator(q{++$x}};
    print $generator->() for 1..5;

  sub make_generator {
    my $action = shift;
    my $x = 11;
    eval qq{
      sub {
        # Some interesting code here...

> IMHO the current behaviour is intuitive.  And I certainly don't
> see "action at a distance".  The person who thinks that the '$x' inside
> $str is referring to the currently visible $x (value 7) is simply
> mistaken.  Likewise the person who thinks that the inner $x will remain
> untouched by the eval().  (But maybe this latter is what Uri is
> referring to as "action at a distance".)

I agree that Perl's behaviour is logical.  However it is
inconvenient.  And from the point of the person who is
trying to use make_generator, it causes internal details
to matter too much.

A workaround, of course, is to tell the person to use
global variables.  Which works except for the variables
that happen to be used internally in make_generator,
which the person doing the calling should not need to
know but does.

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