On 8/16/05, Tim King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Ben. I began crafting an on-list reply, only to find I had nothing
> substantive to add. Then I began writing a private message, only to
> discover that perhaps this still makes interesting discussion. Now I'm
> thinking we may be on to something here that actually applies directly
> to the original post.
> I think we're on the same page practically speaking, but not
> didactically. That is, given a concrete design problem, we'd come to
> similar conclusions; but we're taking opposite approaches.

There is a divergence, but you're right that it is small...

> Kripa was looking for general reasons to avoid eval() or to be careful
> when using eval(). So we start talking about code fragments in which
> eval() doesn't apply. To my mind, that immediately implies a number in
> which it does. Or to put it another way, if I misuse eval(), that's not
> eval()'s fault; it's mine. To my mind, that's no reason to avoid the
> language feature; rather, that's a reason to understand the language
> feature before using it (as one ought any language feature).

Of course.

> To compare, some say we should avoid Perl because it allows us to write
> messy, dense code. Yeah, so? It also allows us to design concise,
> elegant solutions quickly. /But then,/ the argument goes, /no one else
> can understand that code./ Roll-eyes. And by the same token, just
> because you can write code that doesn't work using eval() in ways that
> would confuse someone who doesn't have the perldocs handy, that's a poor
> reason to avoid eval() in general.


> > You can place the blame wherever you want to.  But with a more
> > capable version of eval, you can make the proposed design work.
> To my mind, it's not about blame. Rather, it's about designing elegant
> software that works. And if eval() doesn't do what we want in a given
> situation, we use something that does work.

And here is where we diverge.

You say, "eval() doesn't do what we want" while I'm saying, "if
eval() was slightly different, it *could* do what I want".  But it
doesn't in Perl, so my thoughts end there.

> The greater danger is writing code that works but is fragile. So in that
> sense, maybe we can indeed add another item to Kripa's list:
> * context confusion
>      eval() executes in the context in which it's called, not the
>      context in which the code string is assembled. So if these two are
>      different, be sure your code is clear about which context the
>      eval()'ed code sees. Otherwise, one might be misled, thinking the
>      wrong set of variables are being accessed, and inadvertently
>      introduce bugs.


> Other stuff:
> > The problem is that the place where you'd like to centralize the
> > code manipulation, calling eval, catching errors etc is in one
> > place, and the code that you'd like to manipulate is in another...
> I guess I don't understand the design requirements. It sounds
> potentially like an interesting design challenge. But I think you'd have
> to nail down the requirements a little more.

An example in Perl of where I could see the use of something
like this is that if I'm using DBI directly, there is a lot of
repetitive looping code that I keep on writing because I want
to process a dataset and use lexical variables in my scope.
With an eval like I am describing (or with a good macro
system) I would be able to remove some of that repetition.

Now before everyone jumps on me and chants Class::DBI,
something like Class::DBI does nothing to help me with
complex reporting needs.  For example the data dump that
I just did, the heart of which was about 140 lines of SQL,
with multiple subqueries and many uses of CASE.  (I needed
custom Perl because there was a complex join to a table
with over a billion rows, and there was no way that Oracle
was going to come up with the right query plan.  So I wrote
most of it in SQL, and then procedural Perl to force it to use
a query plan that would get an answer in a few hours, not a
few weeks...)

In short, please trust that I know what I'm doing.

> >> Note that $generator...
> > It is not a coroutine.
> I finally looked it up. You're right. One of these days my mind will
> completely go, and about that time I'll be working on a highly
> classified, mission-critical project for the Defense Department and...

I'm sorry to tell you that it already did.  Most of what you're
experiencing are the side-effects of the brain-wipe that
they did.

I wasn't supposed to tell you that, so don't tell the...

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