Dear Steve,

> Also date and time are combined into three fields, but the third is
> either time or year.  This makes it harder to process.  I would actually
> prefer time in seconds since the start of the Unix eon.

IMHO, File::Find and stat() should solve your problems.

The following is a starting point for what you are looking for.

% perl -wMwarnings -Mstrict -MFile::Find \
    -le 'sub wanted {my $mod = localtime((stat)[9]); \
          my $size = -s _; print "$File::Find::name|$size|$mod";} \
          File::Find::find(\&wanted, "tmp")'
tmp|4096|Mon Jul 11 15:45:10 2005
tmp/apply|0|Fri Aug 27 13:31:26 2004
tmp/bogus|0|Fri Sep 10 14:24:49 2004
tmp/apple|0|Fri Aug 27 13:31:26 2004
tmp/,v|28810|Thu Jul 17 14:16:34 2003
tmp/bous|0|Fri Oct  8 10:39:19 2004
tmp/t|2880|Mon Jul 11 15:43:41 2005
tmp/t2|2880|Mon Jul 11 15:45:10 2005

peace,                                     || What can one hour achieve?
--{kr.pA}                                  ||
Kid, n.: A noise with dirt on it.
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