>>>>> "DB" == Dan Boger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DB> On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 02:09:09PM -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> i assume that your class inherits from class::dbi and you loaded that
  >> abstract plugin.

  DB> Yup.

  >> beyond this i would actually look at the code which is barfing about
  >> an array ref and see what it is getting and where that data comes from
  >> (hopefully your code/data). i have had to do this a few times with
  >> various cpan modules to really understand what they want (and on a few
  >> occassions to debug them) vs what the docs claim :-/.

  DB> I've done that, and everything looks kosher...  I've even ran it through
  DB> the debugger to see exactly what happens...  But when I run it in the
  DB> debugger, everything works.

many times i have run into perl's debugger fixing bugs on its own. i
rarely use it for that and hysterical reasons. my debugger is print and
sometimes logging when i don't have a stdout (forked proccesses, daemons
and such). i have modified installed cpan modules to debug or analyze
what is happening. sometimes you just need to get very filthy and get
into the muck. this is one reason my main perl install is owned by me
and not root, so i can install and edit cpan stuff when i want to.

so i would just put some print statements around the barfing line and
drive it with your bug and see what is happening. print the args (maybe
only if it isn't an array ref? it is already tested for as the die
message says), do caller traces, etc.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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