Uri, I found http://www.pilot-link.org/ . This sounds like what you're
talking about. I'll take a look at see what I can find.

Kag, I found p5-Palm right after I sent my email. Do you know how easy it is
to update the Palm's Calendar through this module?

Thanks, both of you.


On 10/26/05, Kenneth A Graves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 10:00, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
> > Has anyone here used Perl to communicate to a Palm device?
> > What I am primarily concerned with is updating the calendar with a
> specific
> > event.
> > I have a scheduling system, calendar system, and event's registration
> system
> > that I'd like to create functions for. Basically someone would view an
> event
> > they would like to remember, click a link which would calla Perl
> function to
> > create a PDB file which the user is then asked to download or open. This
> > would then send the file in preparation to be hotsync'd.
> > Make sense?
> >
> > If anyone has any good resources (modules, web sites, code, etc.) I
> would
> > greatly appreciate any advice.
> I haven't used it for much more than variants on the pdbdump script that
> comes with the distribution, but
> http://search.cpan.org/~arensb/p5-Palm-1.3.0/
> should have all of the PDB-related functions you need.
> --kag
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