On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 03:57:33PM -0800, Ranga Nathan wrote:
> I re-installed the module from 
> http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-1.76_65.tar.gz and 
> the install went OK.
> When I first installed, I might not have set up the FTP servers correctly. 
> So this time, it did not walk me through that dialogue.
> I think the re-install is still using some residue!  On another server it 
> is working flawlessly!

Quite possible that your CPAN::Config was not rewritten when you
reinstalled - you could always try to do an "o conf init" in the CPAN
shell, and have it rebuild the config for you.


Dan Boger
Boston-pm mailing list

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